About us

Dokuforte is a free community photo archive where you can browse and download archive Israel-Diaspora related photographs free of charge and in good quality.

The pictures can be published without restrictions using the label: Dokuforte/donation of XY. Please, always provide a clear source for the pictures, returning the selflessness of the original owner.

Every person and every family have their own history; instances of moments and eras long gone are documented by these — often technically imperfect — deeply moving photographs. They safeguard the past of Israel and the Diaspora, our common past. Our parents and grandparents coming from the Diaspora, built Israel together, shoulder to shoulder, crying, laughing, and fighting as a large family for our future. In the Diaspora where thriving Jewish communities lived, they did their best to ensure that the young children grow up, go to school, study profession, have families. All while preserving traditions and coping with the fateful events of the twentieth century.

In addition to family photos, we would like to expand the Dokuforte collection with the works of amateur and professional photographers, as well as materials from community collections. Let us preserve the memories of this era, let us make a huge photo album: Dokuforte.

We are also interested in photos that were taken in the individual's original, pre-aliyah country as well.

The website was launched by Noa Schiller, an individual, with the constant, sacrificial cooperation of Richard Gazdik, Andrea Kerecsen, Csaba Sós, and Oren Shapir. The photos appearing on the website are chosen by the editors.

Should you encounter any difficulties uploading a photo due to technical or other obstacles, we would be glad to process them or your negatives too; you can get in touch with us on dokuforte@dokuforte.com

The Dokuforte Team

Richard Gazdik, Andrea Kerecsen, Péter Nógrádi (Nógrádi Law), Noa Schiller, Oren Shapir, Tamás Tucker
Our work is facilitated by Károly Kincses Photo Historian, Marianna Kiscsatári Historian, Photo Historian, Senior Museologist, Ábel Szalontai Habilitated Associate Professor of Photography, Anna Szeszler Dr degree in Pedagogy and Education Field and Miklós Tamási Founder of fortepan.hu.

Our Partners: JDC Europe Mozaik Hub, Zsidó Kiválóságok Háza.


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